Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Laser treatment Sydney - sydney cosmetic clinic

Laser treatment Laser treatment Sydney
Laser treatment is becoming increasingly useful for a wide range of skin and cosmetic conditions. The word laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Laser treatment works by putting out a very high intensity beam of light with a particular wavelength. The light passes through the outer layers of your skin and is absorbed by a specific target, which varies depending on the condition being treated.
A number of conditions can be treated effectively with laser technology, eg fraxel laser , hair removal laser , NdYag laser , tattoo removal laser , skin resurfacing laser .
Vascular lesions
Well-defined lesions (abnormalities of the tissue, in this case the skin) that contain blood are usually amenable to laser therapy. These include unwanted blood vessels (‘broken capillaries’) on the face, and birth marks such as port wine stains. Depending on the size of the lesion, the number of laser treatments that are needed can range from 2 to 10 or more.
Laser treatment is also sometimes used for small varicose veins and spider veins.
Pigmented lesions
Pigmented lesions that can be treated include: freckles; solar lentigos (liver, or age, spots); flat, pigmented seborrhoeic keratoses (age warts); and café au lait spots (light-tan spots). Fraxel Laser treatments for pigmented lesions are generally spaced 6 or more weeks apart, to allow your body to get rid of the dispersed pigment.
The principle of laser tattoo removal is basically the same as that of the removal of pigmented lesions, but the wavelength of the light beam needs to vary depending on the different ink pigments used in the tattoo. In general, homemade Indian ink tattoos and black tattoos respond most readily to laser removal. White tattoos do not usually respond to treatment.
Skin that has been stained from nasal piercing or from iron injections also usually responds well to laser treatment.
Hair removal
Laser hair removal is both efficient and long term. It works best on thicker, darker hairs, as these hair follicles absorb more light than do smaller, paler hair follicles. Most people find that the amount of hair is reduced by 70 per cent or more after the course of treatment. Laser hair removal also avoids the possibility of ingrown hairs.
Signs of ageing
Laser resurfacing is used to help reverse the signs of ageing caused by sun damage. Signs of ageing include fine wrinkles and crinkly skin. Resurfacing is also useful in reducing the appearance of acne scars . Following laser skin resurfacing treatment, your skin usually needs about a week to regenerate its top layer.

MD Cosmedical Solutions
PH 1300885808

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